Your donation makes a difference.
Your contributions help us continue to create beautiful music for you by allowing us to pay for cost of sheet music, performance spaces, professional instrumentalists & vocalists, and so much more. Join us in helping to build a better community through the gift of music. The COS Foundation is a 501c3 Nonprofit and all donations are tax-deductible.
Sponsor Circles.
Donations of $50 or more will be recognized in our concert programs, giving you the opportunity to be publicly acknowledged for your support.
Friend — $50-99
Patron — $100 - $249
Benefactor — $250-499
Ambassador* — $500 - $999
Visionary* — $1,000 - $1,999
Conductor's Circle* — $2,000+
*These tiers can also be attained through recurring monthly donations of $50, $100 & $200 respectively. Benefits include free preferred seating via comp tickets to every concert and the option to include a business logo in our concert programs.